Is a Tablet Screen Always Better Than a Regular Tablet for Art

Cartoon tablets without a screen take a few advantages over all others.

Today I'1000 going to talk about each one of the advantages and disadvantages of these devices and make recommendations almost which 1 you should buy.

Why should you pick a drawing tablet without a screen over another that does take its own screen?

I have already mentioned this multiple times: throughout the dozens of articles inside this website: drawing tablets that exercise have a screen offer a superior user-experience and tend to be a lot more than fun to work with.

That existence said, there are many reasons why cartoon tablets without a screen are still being sold upwards until now and I volition explore each one of them:

Affordability / Price

Well-nigh people who decided to get for a screenless cartoon tablet when purchasing their first-ever device did and then because these tablets are cheaper.

Since the raw materials and engineering science necessary to develop these graphics tablets tend to be much cheaper, their stop product volition plain reverberate this.

Portability / Transportation

A drawing tablet that doesn't have a screen will ever exist better to carry around. Whether you lot like information technology or non, screens are much more than fragile and they will suspension because of whatever minimal affect.

How many croaky cellphone screens take you seen in your life?

Probably several.

Since drawing tablets are larger than cellphones, their screen breaks even more hands. All information technology takes is 1 incorrect move and your tablet may fall from the tabular array forcing you to buy a make-new device.

Don't let anyone tell yous that screens are replaceable and that y'all could get a new one in example of accidents. This is not the example!

Changing the screen of a drawing tablet is so expensive that, in most cases, information technology will cost but as much as you would take to spend to buy a completely new device.

Although I do prefer to work with tablets that have a screen, whenever I'k in a hurry and take to tempest out of my house, I adopt to have basic graphics tablets that can be simply thrown inside my backpack.

Another adept reason for getting a screen less drawing tablet is travelling. If you lot travel a lot and wouldn't like to run the risk of arriving at your destination only to see a shattered screen, a cheaper tablet with a regular plastic drawing surface is a much safer bet.


I bought my commencement cartoon tablet in 2004. Information technology still works but like in the mean solar day I bought information technology.

The fact that screenless drawing tablets have fewer moving parts grants them a durability that is unimaginable for tablets that do accept a screen.

I have literally lost count of how many times I dropped my old graphics tablet on the flooring. That lilliputian guy is tough as a brick and will work no matter what happens to it. As long as you don't permit your tablet get wet, information technology will work for more years than you lot will need it.

The only observation I would make is that y'all should never permit a battery sit within of a pen for besides long, otherwise it volition leak and corrode the casing over fourth dimension. While my screenless cartoon tablet is intact, I have lost a couple of pens because I merely forgot to remove the battery earlier storing the pens on my drawer.

Huion 420 pen battery


Drawing tablets without a screen are extremely reliable tools. They simply work. You don't have to charge them, you don't have to worry about bad color brandish, y'all don't need to call up nigh image sharpness, you shouldn't worry most scratches since they don't interfere with functionality so on…

These graphics tablets are great because you know that they will work even when the circumstances aren't optimal.

Just to requite you a brief instance, yesterday I make up one's mind to use i of my older cartoon tablets that has a screen (I need to do this every few months in lodge to keep information technology working without on the long run) and I noticed that the screen has been getting increasingly darker and that the tablet sometimes shuts down without whatsoever apparent reason.

Why is this happening?

Well, that drawing tablet is quite old and screens don't age so well, especially if you compare them to the other alternative, which is a drawing tablet that don't even need a screen.

Manus-Eye Coordination

One of the most valuable aspects of a graphics tablet that has a screen is that you don't need whatever special hand-middle coordination skill in order to utilise it. Since you can see exactly where each stroke goes, anyone who uses a device like this one can start drawing right away. I'1000 not kidding. Even little kids are successful in their showtime effort.

However, cartoon tablets that practise not accept a screen crave a very well-developed hand-eye coordination because they're difficult to use in the beginning.

It takes a lot of exercise and, most importantly, patience before you really primary the power of drawing on a plastic surface and seeing the result of your move on a screen in front of you.

That said, hand-eye coordination is a vital skill for artists. The more you develop this skill, the faster and more accurately you tin can draw.

The cool thing most these drawing tablets that accept no screen is that they force you to practice your hand-eye coordination to the limit every single time yous use them, which naturally makes you a more adept artist.

Artist'south Job Market Value

I used to own an art studio and I would ever prefer to hire people who could as well draw on tablets that don't have a screen.

Even though tablets with a screen are becoming the standard all over the world, picking artists that practice know how to handle older devices almost guarantees a few things:

  • The artist has some experience;
  • If for some reason an expensive cartoon tablet brakes during the solar day, the artist will still be able to utilize a cheaper device to plow in his work within the established deadline;
  • The artist is more than versatile than his counterparts. And versatility is an incredibly valuable asset to whatsoever professional that need to work with creativity.

Who should purchase a drawing tablet without a screen?


If you're just getting started you accept two options:

  • Go the only cheap tablet that has a screen, which is the Simbans PicassoTab;
  • Buy a decent tablet that does not accept a screen, the usual recommendation is the Wacom Intuos.

People who travel

Equally I've mentioned before, anyone who needs to carry their drawing tablet around would greatly benefit from owning a graphics tablet without a screen.


Those who already have cartoon tablets that have a screen could besides purchase a screenless tablet as a secondary device for emergency situations such as failure of the principal tablet or drawing in unusual places.

Who should not buy a drawing tablet without a screen?

Anyone who would similar to depict on a professional person level on a daily basis and needs to meet deadlines should go for a better drawing tablet that do have a screen.

Screenless cartoon tablets have limitations, they're elementary devices and working with them is objectively a slower experience.

Whenever user-experience is compromised, which is exactly what happens with drawing tablets that do not have a screen, the artist's power to piece of work faster also suffers.

What's the best drawing tablet without a screen?

This is debatable and it all depends on what you're looking for. What I can tell you for a fact is that about artists that work for the big studios present have started their career with a device similar to the Wacom Intuos (check it on Amazon). So, this would probably exist your best bet.

Wacom Intuos DTL 4100 package

If yous would like to run into all the other options, I have compiled a list with the x cheapest drawing tablets, make sure to check that post before making a decision.

What'southward the worst drawing tablet without a screen?

Unless you lot're really, actually short on cash, yous should probably stay away from tiny drawing tablets. Even though they can be used for art cosmos purposes, their cartoon area is then small-scale that you lot will need to use the zoom tool thousands of times if you want to depict anything of decent quality.

An easy way to find out which tablets fall nether this "tiny tablet" category is by looking at the work "signature" in the production description.

Signature tablets are made for signing digital documents, that's why they're so small, but since artists don't know whatsoever limits, they will still use these devices to create amazing illustrations.

To make this as clear every bit possible, I will requite you lot two tips about how to spot a signature tablet:

  • The work "signature" appears on the production clarification;
  • The description also mentions that the tablet can exist used to play a game called "OSU".

Amid the most pop signature tablets you lot will detect the Huion 420 and its successor, the Huion H420.


You're the only person capable of actually deciding whether a drawing tablet without a screen would fit your demand. However, you should not worry practice much about this choice because regardless of the presence of a screen, what defines the quality of the concluding artwork is the artist, non the tool that was used.

Although picking the right tool tin make your life slightly easier, at the stop of the day a great artist tin draw with pencils, pens, charcoal, brushes, sand, trash…information technology doesn't matter.

The well-nigh important matter is that y'all go along on practicing and developing your skills.

If you accept any questions, make sure to leave a comment beneath.

Bruno Santos


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