Cheap Baby Strollers for Girls for Dolls Too

The best dolls and accessories for babies, toddlers and big kids

Greetings! We're so glad you've landed on one of our incredible What Moms Love Gift Guides for Kids. If you're in the midst of frantically searching for the perfect toy for your kid (or niece, or nephew, or friend's kid, or…well, y'all get the motion picture) you can exhale a sigh of relief, because this is where y'all'll notice information technology. The gift that will non simply get gasps of excitement when opening, but one that won't be relegated to the bottom of a deep, dark storage bin.

Equally a piddling daughter we can remember playing with our dolls for hours – feeding, dressing and caring for them like they were our real-life friends (they were…weren't they?). Kids seem to have a natural allure to babies and dolls, and they are wonderful toys that aid teach them important qualities like empathy and affection, and are 1 of the all-time toys for imaginative play.

Whether y'all're looking for your babe's kickoff doll, or something unique and new for your tweens budding collection, you've come to the right identify. Nosotros've tested these toys in real-life situations – with babies, girls and boys, toddlers and tweens – and have only recommended the cream of the ingather. The ones that they naturally gravitated towards, played with for the longest, and never wanted to let go. Ever.

You can't become wrong with whatsoever from our list – they'll be the ones that accept to slumber next to them at nighttime or join you lot at the dinner table. And don't miss the section with our must-have doll accessories – these items really take creative play to a whole new level.

Merely one last thing before we go to the toys – if you lot'd like to exist alerted to any sales or special deals we receive on any of these gifts, brand certain you subscribe to our newsletter. We'll also permit you know when new guides launch (and we're ever working on more!), and hook you lot upward with our other sectional content like our popular study: 10 Screen-Gratis Toys for Guaranteed Serenity Fourth dimension That Will Let You Relax, Recharge, Or Put The Laundry Away.

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Remember to Bookmark, Print and Pin this listing and so information technology's ever handy when a gift-giving occasion arises

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - PINTEREST

*recommended ages are from manufacturers; prices may vary from what is listed

best babies and dolls

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Corolle babicorolle

Corolle Babicorolle (birth and upward)

The Corolle Babicorolle is a super soft ix ½" plush dolly that gets pinnacle rating on our huggability scale, and is the perfect starter doll for even the youngest of babies. The doll'due south velour outfit is sewn on for prophylactic, and it's extremely lite-weight and easy to cart around. And with Corolle's stellar quality, this doll will withstand years of love – so it'southward a skillful thing it can exist thrown into the washing machine for cleaning. It comes in several different styles, including this adorable one with a Panda dress!(editor'south note: this doll is irresistible! Each of my daughter'due south got one when they were babies and it was an instant favorite for them both. My 5-year quondam all the same cuddles with hers at dark. It is a must-accept!)

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pod

Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pod (6 months +)

Gosh we just adore these Snuggle Pods from Manhattan Toys – and kids do as well. Each 1 comes with a soft infant which fits snuggly into its own pod, lined with silky satin. These babies volition exist taken out and put back in over and over and over once more – it really increases the playability, and equally one of our toddler tester's told us "I wove to tuck in".

There's multiple fun designs including Pea, Bug, Bunny and Peanut, and fifty-fiftytwo Peas In A Pod which includes 2 smaller dolls (perfect for twins!).

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Manhattan Toy Stella


Whether you consider information technology a stuffed animal or a doll, these stunning hand-knit creations were instant favorites with every child who got a chance to "meet" them. Each cuddle+kind doll is fabricated by hand by artisans in Republic of peru who are provided with a fair trade income, and are fabricated with not-toxic, high-quality cotton fiber – then they are as condom as they are cuddly.

And to top it all off, for each cuddle+kind doll sold, this amazing visitor gives 10 meals to children in need. So scoop up a Chloe the Bunny or Aspen the penguin and you'll not only be giving an heirloom quality gift, just yous'll be helping in the fight against hunger.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Manhattan Toy Stella

Manhattan Toy Baby Stella  (12 months +)

Some other plush doll we love is Baby Stella. This award-winning doll is one of our favorites because she's not only super cute, just has fun features that encourage imaginative play: her magnetic pacifier attaches to her mouth and is so addicting for kids to place on and off (we do wish it had a ternion on it to stop it from getting lost, but a little ribbon and thread would solve this problem), and she comes with a removable outfit and diaper.

If you opt for the Sweet Sounds version, you'll hear a funny pacifier sucking dissonance when the paci is fastened (kids loooove this!), giggling when her human foot is pressed and "mama" when her hand is squeezed. (editor's note: my girl'southward have the Sweet Sounds version and play with her constantly, only I volition say the only describe-back to this version is that the battery pack inside Stella makes her a niggling less soft. Nonetheless, they don't seem to listen!)

Stella comes in a diverseness of skin tones and pilus styles, and even has a little brother! There'south also a new Wee Infant Stella which is smaller and lighter – perfect for 1-2 year olds who oft struggle to carry a heavier, larger doll. The Stella drove too has a multifariousness of soft accessories from feeding sets to bathroom tubs and pottys that are great quality and could work for whatever doll.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Corolle Mon Premier

Corolle Mon Premier Bébé (18 months +)

If y'all're looking for your child's offset "real" doll, and so look no further than Corolle's Monday Premier Bébé. This 12" doll is the perfect size for a young kid to cradle in their artillery, and has a beanbag-style body that keeps it soft, but posable. Information technology besides has eyes that open up and close (which kids find incessantly fascinating), and Corolle's signature subtle vanilla odour. There are several different babies in the Mon Premier line, each with a different center colour, skin tone and outfit. There'southward even a bath-friendly version which features an piece of cake-to-hang-dry hook and beautiful accessories.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Melissa and Doug Mine To Love Dolls

Melissa & Doug Mine To Dearest 12" Dolls: (18 months +)

We would exist doing yous a disservice if we didn't mention our other favorite 12" doll, the Mine To Love line from Melissa and Doug. All these dolls (including the popular "Jenna") have open-close eyes, removable outfit and cap, and a pacifier. We dear that she can also suck her thumb and has a skin-tone body (which makes a deviation when it's time to put on that ballet leotard). Some of the dolls in this line also accept brushable pilus or varied peel tones. At under $20 they're hard for both adults and kids to resist.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - JC Toys Lil Cuties with Stroller

JC Toys Lil' Cuties Twins with Stroller (age 2+)

These Lil' Cuties Twins have long been our go-to birthday souvenir for ii and 3-yr olds. Yous actually get a lot of blindside for your buck and kids swoon over this cute fix of twins. You get two 8 ½" vinyl dolls (they have some give to them but aren't super cuddly) with moveable arms, head and legs, each with their own removable peak and diaper. Because of their smaller size and ambrosial expressions kids take to these dolls immediately, and they'll go lots of "they're soooo cute"s (even older kids can't resist).

The accompanying stroller-carriage has so much playing power – the dolls sit in it perfectly, and it even makes a sweet (not abrasive, we swear) bell sound when it's pushed. After our 3-yr old testers had finished giving these babies a ride, at that place was a long line of other dolls and stuffed animals waiting for their turn. Nosotros even tied on a piece of string to the handle then they could pull them around for a longer walk. To summit it off, these Lil' Cuties are peachy in the bath (in fact, there'southward even a bath version which comes with a working bathtub instead of a stroller!)

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Melissa and Doug Mine To Love Dolls

The Doll Kind (iii+)

These gorgeous 18" soft dolls from Kind Culture Co. volition not simply get your child's new bestie, only will besides empower and inspire them to create a kinder earth. Each doll comes with a kindness kit and 10 tokens which are meant to be given out as a "Pay it Forward" deed of kindness. Whether they get out them with a familiar face up (a instructor, charabanc driver, friend or family unit member), or with a stranger (a kind waitress, nurse or the new girl in school), they encourage deeper thinking, communication and emotional development. Better yet, for each doll purchased, Kind Culture Co. donates a doll to a child less fortunate.

The kids we introduced to these modern dolls connected with them immediately and didn't want to let them go. Our new favorite: The Peace Doll with stunning crown braids, sheer fairy wings and the sweetest pink tutu. They all come up beautifully packaged, ready to requite every bit a truly special gift.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Barbie Careers

Toymail Talkie (historic period iii+)

Accept yous seen these super fun "Talkies" that easily let your kids stay continued with family or friends? First featured on Shark Tank, the genius concept launched the brand that at present gives kids a way to voice chat without putting them in front end of a screen. Simply ready-up your child's talkie using the Toymail app (iOS, Android and Kindle compatible), and create contacts they tin send and receive message from – perhaps their Grandparents who are cantankerous-country, a favorite aunt in Iowa or even a sibling down the hall.

Kids tin can and then press the contacts push on the back of their Talkie to select the recipient, and then press the record button to record and send a message. The recipient will receive an warning on their phone (or their Talkie if sending Talkie-to-Talkie) and can send a message dorsum. Take a wait at this video to see how easy it is:

This high tech "doll" has so many ways information technology can be used – from an amped up "walkie talkie" for siblings or friends to giggle with, to Grandparents who want to experience more connected, to parents who work late or travel – it's really a magical way to let a child know they're always in your thoughts.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Barbie Careers

Barbie Careers (age 3+)

Information technology'southward hard to hide your kids from the popularity of Barbie, and while we're not huge fans of the ones that come prepare for a nighttime on the boondocks in a skimpy party wearing apparel, we practise love their new line of Barbie Careers where Barbie tackles dissimilar jobs in the "real world".

There are some great sets that include Barbie and a smaller friend that have loads of playability. Our favorite is the Barbie Gymnastics Charabanc where the smaller "student" doll tin can exist clipped onto the bar and spun around – and so fun! The Pediatrician, Dentist, Vet and Twin Baby Doctor sets were also top picks for our 4-seven twelvemonth olds who played with them for lengthy periods of time.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Lottie

Lottie (& Finn) Dolls  (historic period 3+)

In stark dissimilarity to a lot of scantily-clad dolls out there, the honor-winning Lottie line is like a breath of fresh air. Lottie dolls were designed specifically to be relatable, age-appropriate (no makeup, jewelry or high heels!), and a positive role model. We dearest the smaller 7 ½" size of these dolls – they're perfect for little hands, easy to bring forth on adventures and extremely playable for smaller dollhouses. All of Lottie'due south clothes have a crazy amount of particular, yet are easy to accept on and off with Velcro closures. And the Lottie line only expanded with the introduction of her play buddy, Finn!

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - La Loba Handmade Dolls

La Loba Studio Superhero Rag Dolls + Custom Dolls (age 3+)

We stumbled over the dolls from La Loba Studio on Etsy, and holy moly are they amazing. They're handmade in Hungary and are merely most the sweetest things nosotros've ever seen. The superhero styles are our favorite, with removable cape, skirt or shorts, and mask. Y'all tin can even add together a personalized name patch or customize your entire guild to make information technology look just similar your child. This is a super special gift and one that will be kept and passed down for years to come. Please note, due to the handmade nature of these dolls, allow a few weeks for them to fabricated and shipped before your gift-giving result.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Worry Eaters

Worry Eaters (historic period 3+)

A doll that can help your kid with monsters under the bed or separating from Mom? We'll accept 3! These ingenious dolls feature a zipper mouth where kids can identify their worries, and then they don't have to agree onto them. Use it as a tool to talk to your child well-nigh tackling bug, anxieties and developing coping skills. The Worry Eater gives a kids a take chances to split up themselves from their worries and spark meaningful conversations.

We weren't certain how kids would react to the Worry Eater, but afterwards explaining the concept, nosotros provided them with small pieces of paper to draw or write their worries and they actually latched onto the idea. Conversations most cocky-esteem, confidence and "what'due south existent" followed. And at the cease of the day, if they don't connect with the idea backside the Worry Eater, they make fabulous play friends who can "consume" all sorts of things (ours had a healthy serving of Shopkins and Barbie shoes) or become a acquit purse for all their treasures.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - American Girl dolls

American Girl (age five+)

We're deplorable to do this to y'all, merely we merely can't have a list of the best dolls without including American Daughter. Yes they are extremely pricey, but their quality is top-notch, and the brand appeal with older girls just can't be trounce. If yous want to get squeals of delight (or even tears of happiness) when your souvenir is opened, then you'll have to bite the bullet and splurge on an American Girl doll. Nosotros love their Truly Me collection which lets you customize the doll's skin tone, hair and centre color, and hair length and texture (straight, curly, wavy, bangs) to match their own.

Yous also can't miss their Daughter of the Year (for 2018, it's the farm daughter and chef-in-training, Blaire), which is only available that year (hi collector's detail!) and therefore is always highly coveted.

We besides highly recommend American Girl's line of smaller 14 ½" dolls, Wellie Wishers. They have the aforementioned loftier-quality features and styling, only are easier to comport around and less expensive (hoorah!). But exist warned – because of their smaller size, y'all'll demand to buy a whole additional wardrobe once you upgrade to the full size dolls! Check out the Doll Accessories section below for tips on how to dress your American Girl doll on a upkeep!

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Barbie Careers

DC Super Hero Girls (age vi+)

Whether your child has watched the DC Super Hero Girls show or non, these flexible, colorful activity figures will surely inspire their inner hero. The 12" dolls feature several points of articulation, which gives them the ability to perform fun activity poses and stand by themselves – much more than than your typical Barbie!

They besides come in a vi" version which however offers flexible movement, simply differs in their molded clothing and pilus. While we'd recommend the 12" version for everyday play (they were a big hit with both our girl and boy testers), this 6" set is fantastic for taking to restaurants and on route trips! Either manner, you can't go wrong with the powerful, girls-can-practice-anything message these super heroes embody.

The Best Doll Accessories

OK, and then hopefully you've at present decided on the perfect doll for your gift, but you're not washed yet. What will take it over the top are the right accessories. These are the items that will really spark your child'due south creativity and brand their dolls come live. From clothing to strollers, to a place to sleep at night, these dolls are going to exist spoiled rotten. Come along and we'll show you our favorites.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Doll Clip-on High Chair

Olivia'south Little World Multi-Functional Doll Beds

We love these pieces from Teamson's Olivia's Little Earth line considering they're not only super cute (those polka dots!), but they have then much play ability. The Higher Dorm Double Bunk Desk offers iii different areas of play: the desk surface area (with chair and storage for accessories), hanging space (for vesture or backpacks) and of grade the top bunk for taking a snooze.

The Princess Baby Doll Crib with Cabinet and Cubby offers a stylish sleeping space, only likewise has an incredible amount of storage for accessories similar extra clothes, diapers and blankets that can be tucked away out of sight when not in use…a small victory for all moms who know the doll-accessory-explosion all too well.

And finally, your child can practice it all with the Baby Doll Changing Station– a unique piece that includes a changing tabular array/nap surface area, a sink/bath (with faux sprayer), a high chair, and a cupboard with hangers – plus shelves and cubbies for storage! In that location's nix else similar this on the market and we assure you, it will be a sure fire hitting with any doll lover.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Doll Clip-on High Chair

Manhattan Toy Babe Stella Time to Eat Table Chair (12 months+)

If y'all're short on space, consider opting for a claw-on high-chair for your child's doll, instead of the free-standing multifariousness. We love Manhattan Toy'southward Time To Consume Table Chair which is role of the Babe Stella Collection, simply likewise fits other 12-18" dolls (including American Daughter) and can adhere to most counter-tops and kitchen/play tables. So your child can eat right beside their bestie, and you can even fold it upwardly flat to bring with you to restaurants (because dolly needs to swallow also).

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Doll Clip-on High Chair

Joovy Doll Car Seat (2+)

Hands downwards this is the all-time doll machine seat on the market – with a existent five-point harness, adjustable handle and detachable base, kids honey that information technology's only like the existent matter. It easily fits any doll or blimp toy up to about 20″ and is super low-cal-weight then it can exist independently carried. When out of the base of operations, the carrier can be rocked on the ground to calm a "fussy" baby. '

And become this – information technology has straps with LATCH attachments so it can secured in your car adjacent to your child – which to them is just about the best affair ever. If you have a toddler who is at a stage where getting into the car and buckling in is difficult, we had several parents tell the states that having this seat helped immensely. Your child can assist buckle in their doll, and and so show them how the "big kid" does information technology.

Information technology's also a wonderful present for a child who is becoming a big brother or sis, then they can exercise their new part with their dolls, and exist just like mommy when babe arrives.

But whatsoever way your child chooses to utilize this seat, whether it be in the car or imaginative play, it volition get lots and lots of dearest.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Twin Stroller

Twin Jogging Stroller for Dolls (age iii+)

If yous're but going to buy 1 big accessory for your doll, this has got to be it. Kids merely love pushing their babies and dolls around in a stroller. And male child oh male child, practise nosotros have the best one for you! Because really, what's better than taking one doll for a walk? Taking two!

But take a look at this Twin Jogging Stroller – information technology easily fits two 18"+ dolls (actually we fit four, 5 and 6 smaller ones in there just fine) and has some amazing features that real strollers have, similar an adjustable handlebar, working dominicus shade and large storage basket (which tin can fit a boat load of dolly's "necessities"). You can even fold it upwardly when not in utilise (although that won't exist very often) or take it exterior for a stroll. Kids of all ages get totally nuts over this (there were some major "await your turn" moments with our testers!) and we simply tin can't recommend it enough.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Badger Basket Bunk Bed

Target – Our Generation Retro Convertible Motorcar (age 3+)

If y'all have ample room to "park" this incredible Retro Convertible Car, it is high on our listing of must have accessories – our kid testers went completely nuts for it, and it got consistent use over weeks and months of play. Not merely does it look pretty darn cool, simply it has some really smashing features like a working radio with 4 recorded songs, a lite up dashboard, and flashing front turn signals. There'southward even a trailer hitch which attaches to the Our Generation camper!

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Badger Basket Bunk Bed

Badger Basket Bunk Bed with Trundle (historic period three+)

Not all dolls will exist able to sleep with your child at night, and they'll need to be tucked them into their ain bed – particularly if you have this incredible Bunk Bed with Ladder and Trundle from Badger Basket. Trust us, don't simply become a unmarried bed for ane dolly, because they are going to desire to have sleep-overs! And at nether $45 this set is an absolute steal. It volition sleep 3 dolls up to 22", includes a pace ladder and padded mattresses with attached pillows. And if they don't want to use the trundle as a bed, it doubles as an crawly storage drawer for clothes and other accessories.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Corolle Mon Premier Bed

Corolle Mon Premier Bear Bed (18 months+)

If you don't accept the infinite for the full-sized bunk beds to a higher place, become for this lovely soft Corolle Bear Bed. It can be folded up and squished into storage bins, and volition fit dolls up to 18" within the cozy pouch. Kids love to zip them in and carry them effectually past the handles. And bonus – our kids figured out that the handles can be worn over their arms so the baby is carried backpack style from one play area to the next! A must-have accessory and perfect for those kids always on-the-get.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Doll Carrier

Doll Carrier (age 3+)

Now if your kid has a younger sibling that is e'er existence carted around by Mommy in a carrier, a mini-me ane sized especially for their dolls makes the perfect souvenir. Ergo, Boba, Lillebaby and Moby Wrap all make doll-sized carriers that kids can use to mimic their Moms and acquit effectually their favorite baby, dolly or stuffed animal. We love, love, love this for a gift.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Doll Carrier

Shopping Cart (age three+)

In all honesty, nosotros weren't sure if these shopping carts would be a adept fit for our "best of" list – after all, if you have a doll stroller, do you really demand a shopping cart every bit well? One time nosotros tested them with a slew of girls and boys in the two-7 age group, the respond was clear: yes, yeah, aye! These carts sparked so much imaginative play – nosotros had kids using them equally rescue vehicles similar fire engines and ambulances, to a winter sleigh ride and sled, and of course, your typical grocery store cart.

This realistic ane from Melissa & Doug gets our top rating for it'south sturdy steel structure, folding seat and easy-to-maneuver pivoting forepart wheels. Beware of cheap imitations which are far less stable and easier to knock over. This one is pretty heavy duty, difficult to tip, and looks merely similar a mini version of the real matter!

Although we don't recommend a ton of plastic toys in our guides, this Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Shopping Cart was just too well received from our kid testers to not make the cut. They were in major 50-O-V-Eastward. So much playability here – load upward the basket with more dolls to act like a stroller, or head to the play kitchen to go "grocery shopping'. So cute, it's difficult to resist!

where to find American Girl doll clothes for cheap

Clothes (& where to find them for cheap!)

Outfit changes are a necessary evil of every doll's life. Kids just honey dressing and re-dressing them a one thousand thousand times over, and this ways only 1 matter: you lot will demand a lot of doll clothes. And although the wearing apparel are small in size, boy oh boy, are they not small in toll. Sure you can purchase the matching clothing sets for each specific doll brand and collection, only this can get super expensive. Instead, we suggest searching on a site like Amazon for the specific pinnacle of your doll and seeing the matches for popular sizes like 12" doll clothes (this 5-in-1 You & Me ready is pretty great) and 18" doll clothes (this 1 is v outfits for under $20!).

Now earlier we alluded to some tips for finding dress for your American Girl doll for cheap. Well now's the time we let the secrets out. First, both Target and Walmart offer apparel for 18" dolls which will fit perfectly. At Target wait for the Our Generation habiliment (their accessories and furniture for dolls are also incredible) which are unremarkably half the price of American Girl sets. If you're searching at Walmart, bank check out their Arianna line which volition besides fit any 18" doll.

For girls that love to take their dolls' outfit match their ain, search for the Dollie & Me make which offer bang-up matching wearing apparel and PJ sets very like to what is sold at American Girl, but at a significant disbelieve. Nosotros've constitute them at Kohl'south, Macy'south, JCPenney and Zulily.

And the best hush-hush of all: AC Moore, Michael's & JoAnn fabrics all sell eighteen″ doll dress & accessories for a steal. We recently bought a couple fancy sequin dress sets for under $10! Also, consider raiding your local dollar store for kitchen supplies, purses, hair accessories and more than.

Best Gifts for Doll Lovers - Clothes wardrobe

Melissa & Doug Wooden Doll Armoire (age iii+)

Now you've got all these cheap-merely-then-amazing-they-won't-know-they're-fakes outfits, you've got a problem on your hands. Where, oh where, to put it all. Well the solution is clear, and information technology'south one that kids reeeeally love: a wardrobe. Yep, a doll wardrobe. And this Wooden Doll Armoire from Melissa & Doug is i of our favorites considering it includes details like latching doors, lace-trimmed padded hangers and two working drawers (for all those littles shoes!). Your kids may never hang up their own clothes, but believe you me, they will love to organize and hang upward wearing apparel for their dolls!

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - You and Me Doll Care Set

You & Me 30-Piece Doll Care Set (historic period 3+)

This 30-Piece Doll Care Gear up may not be the highest quality of all time, but for about $12 you go some seriously amazing pieces to starting time off your drove, including: 2 velcro diapers (which tin fit medium-large dolls), 2 bibs, socks and booties, rummage, brush, mirror, plate and utensils, lotion (with working pump!), milk and juice bottles, fillable sippy loving cup, keys, pacifier, and several containers with working lids…plus, a great piffling potty and a bag to shop it all. Phew. Run into, that's a lot of stuff at an incredible cost.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Magic Baby Bottles

Toysmith Magic Baby Bottles (age 3+)

These Magic Baby Bottles are the perfect addition gift or stocking stuffer for whatever baby doll lover. The liquid in these bottles magically disappears when tilted (seriously though, where does it become?!) and and so fills dorsum upwardly when upright. We could do without the juice (although our kids recollect it'south funny to give baby a "no-no" drink), but the cost is unbeatable and the magic flim-flam never gets old.

RELATED: 200+ Unique Stocking Stuffers For Kids From Babies To Teens (That Aren't Junk!)

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Little Cosmetics Makeup Set

Footling Cosmetics Pretend Makeup Essential Set (age 3+)

This is such a fun pretend makeup set that looks incredibly real (no joke, information technology volition totally fool you), but has admittedly no mess (moms, rejoice!). Your kids will take a ball applying this Little Cosmetics prepare to their dolls while getting them ready for "the Brawl". It includes a pretend meaty with mirror, glitter pot, blush, eye shadow, lip gloss (with working roller brawl), and real makeup brushes all in a minor zip-upwards cosmetic bag. These look and experience real, but nil will come off on their skin, or their dolls – no sparkles, no nothin'.

Our iv-5 twelvemonth sometime testers couldn't become plenty of this set – applying information technology to each other, themselves and their dolls. We're not sure they quite realized it was fake, simply they were totally in their chemical element and we hadn't the heart to tell them otherwise.

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - Braun Hairstyling

Theo Klein Mega Braun Hairstyling Set (age 3+)

As if applying fake make-up to a doll isn't plenty, you lot can also inspire some amazing "pilus fine art" creations with this fun Theo Klein Hairstyling Set up. Perfect for toddlers to tweens, information technology allows kids to play stylist with realistic looking tools including a hairbrush, hairdryer (with real sounds and air bravado), hair straightener (which lights upwardly to tell you it's "hot"), mirror, rummage, spray canteen and 4 hair clips. The items are light-weight and so younger kids can hold them comfortably, and if you lot're gifting a doll with long pilus, this will exist a winning combination!

Gift Guide Best Toys for Doll Lovers - B. Critter Clinic

B. Toys B. Critter Clinic (age iii+)

At first glance yous may not think this is much of a doll accessory, but continue it here. The B. Critter Dispensary portable pet hospital makes an awesome accompaniment for whatsoever doll lover. First, it comes with a full doctor's kit (stethoscope, mirror, syringe, tweezers and thermometer) that tucks away nether the rooftop compartment and is great for playing "Dolly goes to the Dr." Next, it comes with two small-scale stuffed animals (cat and a canis familiaris) that are a great size to become dolly's new pet. And finally, the half-dozen colored doors become patient rooms or treasure spots for your small-scale dolls and trinkets – and can just be opened with the matching colored cardinal.

This toy volition get tons of play time, and volition be used in the most artistic of ways. Whether information technology be equally an beast infirmary, dolly clothes-up rooms, or for hide-and-seek, it is a superb toy that is a great addition to any playroom (editor'south annotation: this is 1 of my kids' favorite toys and is played with in super imaginative ways…plus the color coordinated and shape-matching keys offering learning opportunities and gross-motor coordination practice!)

So that'due south information technology friends, some pretty incredible ideas for whatsoever doll-loving child. But don't head off just even so, make sure you bank check out the other guides from our What Moms Honey Gift Guides For Kids:

  • The Best Vehicle Toys For Car, Truck and Construction Junkies
  • The Best Building Toys For Kids (From Blocks To Robots)
  • The All-time Gross Motor Indoor Toys For Active Kids (To Get That Free energy Out!)
  • The All-time Doll Houses & Accessories For Your Doll-Obsessed Girl (or Boy!)
  • The All-time Princess-Themed Gifts For Your Fiddling Princess
  • The Best Gift Ideas For Super Hero & Star Wars Lovers
  • 200+ Unique Stocking Stuffers For Babies To Teens (That Aren't Junk!)
  • Defended Gift Guide: The Best Fun Toys You'll Really Want Your Kids To Play With

And we're always working on more guides (coming before long:The Best STEM Gifts for Kids).

Brand certain y'all don't miss them past subscribing to our newsletter and we'll let you know the moment they launch. Nosotros'll as well let you lot know of whatsoeverexclusive discounts or specialdeals on whatever of the toys included on our list:

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And if that's not enough, if y'all'd prefer to gift something thatisn't a toy but rather anexperience that will stay with them for a lifetime, aneducational present that can expand their horizons, a funpractical item that can be used every 24-hour interval, or asentimental treasure with deeper pregnant, head over to our Unrivaled Guide To Non-Toy Gifts. 200+ Presents For Kids Of All Ages (That Aren't Toys!)

This ultimate guide includes eight parts:

  • Not-Toy Gifts For Learning & Expanding Horizons
  • Non-Toy Gifts To Spark Creativity, Imagination & Special Interests
  • Non-Toy Gifts That Are Practical (Merely Far From Wearisome)
  • Non-Toy Gifts For Making Memories
  • Non-Toy Gifts To Receive In The Mailbox
  • The Best Board Games For Kids& Families (That Aren't Candy Land or Monopoly)
  • The Best Arts & Crafts Supplies & Gift Ideas for Kids – From Toddlers to Teens
  • The Best Personalized Gifts For Babies & Kids

BONUS! Costless Printable Coupon Book

Stocking Stuffer Printable Coupon Book for Kids

If yous haven't fabricated it to our Making Memories guide nevertheless, we don't want you lot to miss out on ourgratuitous printable coupon book. This includes 12 super fun coupons in Christmas, Hanukkah and Birthday designs that your kids will become gaga over. Plus blank templates for you to personalize your ain. These make a wonderful stocking stuffer! Get more than details andgo the link to download here. And one last matter (promise), if you lot'd similar to give a souvenir to your kid that's also secretly a gift for yous, yous've got to get our special written report:10 Screen-Free Toys For Guaranteed Quiet Time That Volition Allow You Relax, Recharge Or Put The Laundry Away. These magical toys will get your kids playing by themselves for 60 minutes every day. No joke. Simply allow the states know where to send this exclusive report:

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We'll send the full report with all the details of these magical toys straight to your inbox! Merely let us know where to transport the instant download:

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Cheap Baby Strollers for Girls for Dolls Too


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